Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Personality Quiz

Here is a quiz for your personality! Check it out!

1.You would want a car that-
    A. Is pink and has hearts B. Is a simple blue C. Both together and has 6 seats
2.For a party, you wear-
    A. A short dress with glitter and pink B. A funny T-shirt and jeans C. A long dress with all kinds of colors
3.It's your friends birthday, what are you going to give her?
    A. A designer purse B. Just a card C. A big card and a new kitchen
4.You see your favorite celebrity, what do you do?
    A.You freak out a little, but try to act cool B. You are chill and talk to her/him C. You scream and cry
5.What do you do most of the time?
    A. Watch "Project Runway" B. Use the computer C. Design clothes and watch t.v while eating popcorn

 Here are the results: Mostly A's: You are fashionable and have style! Mostly B's: You are simple and go with the flow Mostly C's: You go all out! Your motto is, "Go big or go Home!"

Monday, June 17, 2013

Books That I Will Probably Quiz On You!!

Here is a list of books that I will probably quiz on you (and the rank)!! You can read them or just take the quizzes if you know about the books or not. Anyway, here are the books:

1. Dork Diaries
2. Diary of a Wimpy Kid
3. Les Miserables
4. you can choose :)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Color Quiz

Which color are you? Let's find out.

1. What is the best thing in nature?
              A. The Sun B. Flowers C. The Sky
2.  What is your personality?
              A. Sunny B. Total Diva C. Talkative
3. What is your favorite show?
              A. HGTV B. Project Runway C. Disney Channel
4. Which is your favorite drink?
              A. Lemonade B. Fruit Punch C. Water
5. Which is your favorite food?
              A. Pizza B. Sushi C. Hamburger
                                                                       Mostly A's: You are Yellow! Mostly B's: You are Pink
                                                                       Mostly C's: You are Blue

Gunther and Tinka Quiz For Know-it-Alls

This is the Gunther and Tinka Quiz, are you smart enough?

1. What kind of clothes do Gunther and Tinka wear?
              A. Glittery clothes B. Plaid clothes C. DUH, BOTH!
2. Who is the person that Gunther and Tinka hate (a bunch)?
               A. Two, and it is Rocky and Cece B. No one C. Just Cece
3. Are they CUCKOO-CRAZY?
                A. Not at all B. THEY ARE WORSE THAN THAT! C. Eh
4. Do they have strange accents?
                A. I have no idea B. Yup C. No
5. Where did they used to live?
               A. London B. I don't know! C. Germany
6. Did Tinka go out with Ty?
              A. Ty would NEVER! B. No C. Shockingly, Yes
7. Did Gunther go to the dance with Rocky?
                A. He went with Cece B. UMM.. yes C. No way!
8. Did Gunther and Tinka get to be on Good Morning Chicago for the golf tournament?
              A. Who Knows? B. Not at all C. Yep
9. Does Gunther think that Cece likes him?
                 A. OMG, what? B. UGH, yes C. I don't think so
This is a free point
10. Are Gunther and Tinka good dancers?
                 A. Nope B. YES, SO GREAT! C. Eh
                                                                                      Every correct answer is one point these were the answers: 1. A. 2. A. 3. B. 4. B. 5. B. 6. C 7. C 8. B. 9. B. 10. A. B. and C. are correct!
    POINTS AND RANK: 8-10 points: You are a complete genius! 4-7 You are good 1-3 Do you even know anything?


Sam and Cat Quiz

This is a Sam and Cat quiz, enjoy!

1. You are lost in the woods and find a cute bunny, what do you do?
      A. Scream a bit B. Ignore it
2. Someone gives you $100 for your birthday, what do you say?
      A. "I'm going to go buy a unicorn" B. "Bye, Gotta go spend it"
3. Some random person punches you, what do you do?
      A. Tell the person kindly to stop B. Punch the person back
4. You have to run some errands with a friend, what do you do?
      A. Do them all B. Do something else better and leave the friend
5. You have permission to eat ONLY 8 candies, what do you do?
      A. Eat the amount you are supposed to B. Sneak a few more candies when your parents aren't looking
6. Would you rather-
     A. Volunteer at an orphanage B. Be in a hot tub
7. Would you rather live with...
     A.Your whole family B. No one, I want to be by myself!

                                                                Mostly A's: You are sweet and generous, you are Cat!
                                                                Mostly B's:  You are greedy and bad, you are Sam!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

#1 Quizes

This is my quiz blog, hope you enjoy it. This is my very first one, the Cece  Rocky & Deuce quiz:

1. Are you-
         A. A smartie pants B. Not the sharpest C. A little bit of both
2. Do you-
         A. Wear whatever B. Follow the latest fashions C. Love headphones
3. Wear would I find you?
         A. At home doing homework B. At the mall shopping C. Working for money
4. What do you love to do?
          A. Homework B. Shop 'till I drop C. Keep stuff in my sweater
5. Who do you want to hang out with the most?
          A. Cece B. Rocky C. Dina
6. Who is the smartest?
          A. ME, of course B. My BFF C. Don't know
7. What do you mostly wear?
           A. Skirts B. Pants or leggings C. Sweater

Results: Mostly A's: Rocky Mostly B's: Cece Mostly C's: Deuce