Thursday, June 13, 2013

Gunther and Tinka Quiz For Know-it-Alls

This is the Gunther and Tinka Quiz, are you smart enough?

1. What kind of clothes do Gunther and Tinka wear?
              A. Glittery clothes B. Plaid clothes C. DUH, BOTH!
2. Who is the person that Gunther and Tinka hate (a bunch)?
               A. Two, and it is Rocky and Cece B. No one C. Just Cece
3. Are they CUCKOO-CRAZY?
                A. Not at all B. THEY ARE WORSE THAN THAT! C. Eh
4. Do they have strange accents?
                A. I have no idea B. Yup C. No
5. Where did they used to live?
               A. London B. I don't know! C. Germany
6. Did Tinka go out with Ty?
              A. Ty would NEVER! B. No C. Shockingly, Yes
7. Did Gunther go to the dance with Rocky?
                A. He went with Cece B. UMM.. yes C. No way!
8. Did Gunther and Tinka get to be on Good Morning Chicago for the golf tournament?
              A. Who Knows? B. Not at all C. Yep
9. Does Gunther think that Cece likes him?
                 A. OMG, what? B. UGH, yes C. I don't think so
This is a free point
10. Are Gunther and Tinka good dancers?
                 A. Nope B. YES, SO GREAT! C. Eh
                                                                                      Every correct answer is one point these were the answers: 1. A. 2. A. 3. B. 4. B. 5. B. 6. C 7. C 8. B. 9. B. 10. A. B. and C. are correct!
    POINTS AND RANK: 8-10 points: You are a complete genius! 4-7 You are good 1-3 Do you even know anything?


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