Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sam and Cat Quiz

This is a Sam and Cat quiz, enjoy!

1. You are lost in the woods and find a cute bunny, what do you do?
      A. Scream a bit B. Ignore it
2. Someone gives you $100 for your birthday, what do you say?
      A. "I'm going to go buy a unicorn" B. "Bye, Gotta go spend it"
3. Some random person punches you, what do you do?
      A. Tell the person kindly to stop B. Punch the person back
4. You have to run some errands with a friend, what do you do?
      A. Do them all B. Do something else better and leave the friend
5. You have permission to eat ONLY 8 candies, what do you do?
      A. Eat the amount you are supposed to B. Sneak a few more candies when your parents aren't looking
6. Would you rather-
     A. Volunteer at an orphanage B. Be in a hot tub
7. Would you rather live with...
     A.Your whole family B. No one, I want to be by myself!

                                                                Mostly A's: You are sweet and generous, you are Cat!
                                                                Mostly B's:  You are greedy and bad, you are Sam!