Tuesday, June 4, 2013

#1 Quizes

This is my quiz blog, hope you enjoy it. This is my very first one, the Cece  Rocky & Deuce quiz:

1. Are you-
         A. A smartie pants B. Not the sharpest C. A little bit of both
2. Do you-
         A. Wear whatever B. Follow the latest fashions C. Love headphones
3. Wear would I find you?
         A. At home doing homework B. At the mall shopping C. Working for money
4. What do you love to do?
          A. Homework B. Shop 'till I drop C. Keep stuff in my sweater
5. Who do you want to hang out with the most?
          A. Cece B. Rocky C. Dina
6. Who is the smartest?
          A. ME, of course B. My BFF C. Don't know
7. What do you mostly wear?
           A. Skirts B. Pants or leggings C. Sweater

Results: Mostly A's: Rocky Mostly B's: Cece Mostly C's: Deuce

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